Exploring music at ICS
From clubs to ensembles to individual instrument lessons, ICS offers students the chance to explore their musical interests.
All students are required to take music through Grade 7 and are encouraged to continue studying it longer to pursue their interest in music.
Music Clubs & Ensembles
Alongside class lessons, ICS offers many extra-curricular opportunities for students to take part in ensemble music-making. These include our Primary choir and Secondary ensembles such as the ICS String Orchestra, Rock Band, Jazz Band and Ukulele Group.
From Grade 8 through to Grade 10, the study of Music at ICS is designed to develop students’ understanding of the music around them, prepare them for further study in Music, and foster lifelong musical skills and understanding. They learn about music theory, composition and arranging, and aural analysis. Students undertake inquiries into music styles and genres, placing them in social, historical and cultural contexts, and discover the musical features that define each style.
Music Clubs in Primary
Music Clubs in Primary include the ICS Singers, our Grades 1-5 choir. The group performs at the Primary Winter Concert and at our Parents' Association Christmas Market. They also sing every December at The Singing Christmas Tree in the centre of Zurich.
Instrumental clubs range from beginners to advanced instrumentalists, as well as the Primary Assembly Band.
Music Clubs in Secondary
Music Clubs in Secondary include:
- ICS String Orchestra
- ICS Stage Band
- Rock Bands
- Ukulele Club
- ICS Jazz Band
Concerts & Events
The ICS Performing Arts Calendar includes opportunities for students in extra-curricular music ensembles to perform.
Our student concerts include:
The Winter Concert: a large concert held in the ICS Main Hall in December.
The Spring Concert: a large concert held in the ICS Main Hall in May.
Zumikon Mehrgenerationen Concert: In addition, we are pleased to work closely with our local community to participate in the Zumikon Mehrgenerationen Concert organised by the Zumikon Musikschule, in late November and held in the Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Zumikon.
IB DP Music Recitals
Held twice a year in the Primary Atrium, these small concerts showcase the solo and group performance work of Grade 11 and 12 Diploma Music students.
Held three times a year in the Primary Atrium, the ArtsAlive! events are small, informal concerts that provide a supportive and friendly environment in which Primary and Secondary students can share their musical, dramatic and/or dance talents with the ICS community.
ICS is a member of the Association for Music in International Schools (AMIS). Each year, we attend several of the music festivals run by AMIS including
- AMIS Solo & Ensemble Festival
- AMIS Middle School Festivals (by audition), including: Mixed Choir, Boys’ Choir, Girls’ Choir
- AMIS High School Festivals (by audition), including: Mixed Choir, Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, Orchestra, Band.
Voice & Instrument Lessons
Alongside the extra-curricular ensembles at ICS, students may also wish to take individual instrument lessons.
Voice & Instrument Programme (VIP)
ICS hosts several private instrument teachers each week, who offer after-school individual lessons. These include: piano, voice, violin, viola, clarinet, saxophone, guitar, and drums.
Zumikon Musikschule
ICS is pleased to have developed links with the Zumikon Musikschule. The Musikschule offers private lessons on a range of instruments, including strings, wind, brass, piano, keyboard, drums, accordion, recorder, electric guitar/bass, and harp. Their prices for ICS students are very reasonable and lessons are sometimes available in English.
Instrument Teachers in Zurich
ICS also keeps a list of private instrument teachers in the Zurich area.
Zumikon Musikschule
ICS is pleased to have developed links with the Zumikon Musikschule (near the Zumikon Dorfplatz).
Private Lessons
The Musikschule offers private lessons on a range of instruments, including strings, wind, brass, piano, keyboard, drums, accordion, recorder, electric guitar/bass and harp. Their prices for ICS students are very reasonable and lessons are sometimes available in English. The Musikschule has two intakes each year, with application forms due several months in advance.
For more information, visit or email
Instrument Teachers in Zurich
ICS also keeps a list of private instrument teachers in the Zurich area. Please contact for a copy.
Students benefit from learning in many different ways. At ICS, we combine our classroom work with outdoor activities. Discover how we help students build skills and confidence beyond the school walls.
At ICS, we understand the importance of physical activity and sport in a student’s life. Discover Physical Education and Athletics programme.