Supporting and Enabling Success
At ICS we are committed to providing a supportive and enabling learning environment in which all members of the community are challenged to achieve their individual potential, encouraged to pursue their passions, and expected to fulfil their responsibilities
It was an expectation that we would all go into tertiary education and I was able to learn a great deal about the many different academic options available after high school from counsellors, tutors, teachers and visiting lecturers. All my teachers at ICS were very supportive and encouraging about all of my subjects and passions, which allowed me the freedom and confidence to choose which ever path I wanted. Piera M, ICS Class of 2009, MSc, Chemical Biology, University of Warwick, PhD candidate, University of Edinburgh
Supportive & Enabling Learning Environment
- Differentiated programmes appropriate to a broad spectrum of learning styles and aptitudes consistent with a non-selective admissions policy are offered;
- Diverse student population, with programmes to support and enhance that diversity;
- The principles of understanding and respect between individuals, communities, cultures and nations are promoted and, in particular, reflect those principles in our relationship with our host community;
- Language proficiency is fundamental to international understanding, and therefore support to second-language acquisition and to mother-tongue development is recognised.
Challenge to Achieve Individual Potential
- Expectation that students will strive to use their talents to the fullest;
- Provision of out-of-class programmes of outdoor and expedition education;
- Commitment that ICS staff should continue to be recognised as leaders in the field of international education;
- Development of programmes of online education and extra-curricular classes to extend learning beyond the classroom and beyond the ICS student community.
Pursuit of passion will require the school to
- Support and nurture talent and interest, and accommodate the many forms in which they arise;
- Celebrate excellence and commitment;
- Encourage the idea that individuals can and should make a difference.
Fulfilment of responsibility will be accomplished through
- An explicit and active commitment to human rights;
- Outreach and community action programmes that involve all of the school’s constituencies: – students, teachers and parents;
- Environmentally responsible operational policies and procedures that embody the environmental awareness of the curriculum;
- Programmes that ensure the full engagement of ICS students with local and global issues.
Learn about our school leadership team, and their commitment to supporting students.