Expanding Language Skills

At ICS, we are committed to encouraging and expanding students’ language skills and awareness. In a changing world, being multilingual is a wonderful gift for our learners. 


Language and Literacy in a Multilingual Environment




International Baccalaureate (IB) Bilingual Diploma

Language Options - French and Spanish

Home Language


English Language

English is our language of instruction. ICS offers the curriculum of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme for all grade levels: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP).

Learning English

Students who arrive at ICS with limited English skills are supported by the English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme. The EAL programme provides a caring, flexible and supportive environment to help students integrate socially and become successful academically.

EAL support is provided to help your child succeed in the mainstream classroom. EAL teachers and assistants help your child develop the language skills, learning strategies and cultural awareness needed to be successful at ICS.

German Language 

German is the language of our host community and holds an important place in the ICS curriculum. All students study German from Preschool & Kindergarten up to Grade 10 and students can choose to continue German in Grades 11 and 12 if they wish. Students can study German as Language A (a mother tongue/academic language) or Language B (an acquired language). 

By providing German instruction to all students, we enable our learners to benefit from, contribute to and play an active part in their local communities. 

German in Preschool & Kindergarten 
During lessons in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten the children are introduced to German in age-appropriate ways including listening to stories, playing games, and singing songs. Connections are made between German and the students' Units of Inquiry and the local community. These include a variety of trips and participation in local events and celebrations.

German as an Additional Language, Grades 1–5
In this programme, children in each grade level are divided into ability groups. Students learn everyday vocabulary to enable them to interact with the local community. In addition, where relevant, aspects of the Units of Inquiry are incorporated into the German programme. In the higher age and ability groups, when students begin to use German as an academic language, written assignments and grammar become increasingly more important.

German as Home Language
Students in this programme follow an adapted curriculum for native speakers. Building on language competencies acquired in English language classrooms, students deepen their understanding of formal aspects of German. Links to Units of Inquiry are frequently made to enhance student learning.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Bilingual Diploma Languages

IB Diploma Programme (DP) students study a minimum of two languages. Studying in their home language as well as in other languages enables students to increase their understanding of cultures, including their own, and explore globally significant ideas and issues through different languages.

IB Diploma ‘Self-Taught’ Language A
In the IB Diploma Programme (Grades 11 & 12), students select their best language for study as Language A. Most world languages are available.

At ICS, English A and German A are offered as taught programmes. Students wishing to choose another language as Language A can opt to study their preferred language as a Self-Taught Language. For students who do this, ICS will provide overall supervision of their programme of study and help in finding a suitable language tutor, where possible.

French and Spanish Language Options

In Secondary, students choose to study French or Spanish as well as German. Beyond Grade 8, Spanish and French are offered as options through to Grades 11 and 12. (Spanish and French are not offered as Language A courses – home language courses – at ICS within the daily schedule.)

Students in Grades 6 to 8 may be placed in English as an Additional Language (EAL) or Learning Support classes instead of French or Spanish if it is deemed more suitable for them and after consultation with parents.

Home Languages 

ICS strongly encourages students to maintain and develop their home language. Home language classes take place after school and where possible, ICS makes rooms available for these classes. The school supports families by reimbursing part of the costs of recognised and approved home language classes.

The ICS Parents’ Association organises a group of volunteer Country/Language representatives. These volunteers can offer information about home language classes. 

The following home language classes are available (Please note that not all classes take place at ICS): Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German (exempt from reimbursement programme), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.

Primary Language Learners at ICS




ICS Co-curricular Programme

At ICS, we believe that learning happens both in and outside of the classroom. 

LEARN about our Co-Curricular Programme

English at ICS

We ensure all learners are able to access our world-class programme by supporting all ICS students.

DISCOVER our English as an Additional Language Programme